Institute news
- 03.01.2025
- 23.12.2024
- 20.11.2024
- 24.10.2024
- 20.10.2024
Regulatory legal acts that entered into force
- The Government simplified the procedure of state registration (re-registration) of medicinal products
- State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (Derzhprodspozhyvsluzhba)...
The new issue of MEMU No.9 (119) gives an overview of the last month’s main events. Among those are: grain exports was administratively hampered; the Pension Fund’s gap is growing. The new issue of MEMU No.9 (119) gives an overview of the last...
The new issue of Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine #12 (110) contains the overview of the most significant events of the previous month, namely contraction of the real GDP by 15.9% in the third quarter, decline of nominal wages, eighteen candidates...
The new issue of Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine #11 (109) contains the overview of the most significant events of the previous month, namely the official start of the Presidential campaign, growth of the industrial production by 1.9% mom in...
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