

  • Year 2008: Economic Summary for Ukraine

    Ukraine’s economy entered in a recession in the fourth quarter of 2008 as the world financial crisis uncovered and aggravated weaknesses of the national economy. Ukraine’s economy entered in a recession in the fourth quarter of 2008 as the...
  • Year 2007: Economic Summary for Ukraine

    Despite a political turmoil and external shocks, the economic growth in the country remained high. According to the Derzhkomstat, in 2007 real GDP grew by 7.3% yoy, thus preserving the growth pace of the previous year. In nominal terms, the GDP...
  • Year 2006: Economic Summary for Ukraine

    According to the preliminary estimate of the Derzhkomstat, in 2006 real GDP increased by 7.1%, significantly accelerating during the year. In January the growth was estimated at mere 0.9% yoy. In nominal terms, the GDP is estimated at around UAH 536...
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