Institute news
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Foreign trade in agricultural and food products constitutes an important part of Ukraine’s commodity trade. Moreover, its importance is expected to grow in the future given the high and still untapped sector potential and increasing world demand for...
Adequate access to finance is for agricultural enterprises in Ukraine of crucial importance. Empirical evidence suggests though that this access is often severely constrained, especially for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. Lending...
Der ukrainische Agrarsektor unterliegt einer weitgehenden Steuerbefreiung. Als Fazit bzgl. der zeitlich unbegrenzten Mehrwertsteuersonderregelung bleibt festzuhalten, dass dieses System gepaart mit der Mehrwertsteuerbefreiung im Agrarhandel bis Ende...
n 2012 Ukraine experienced two flashes of dairy trade disputes with Russia. First time in February and then in early fall Russia suspended imports of cheese from several Ukrainian dairies. The formal reasons for trade restrictions from Russia’s side...
There is a solid business case for pellet production in Ukraine. Our analysis suggests that in the majority of cases pelleting is a profitable undertaking. However, pellet production remains just a profitable business instead of becoming an industry...
On January 27th 2012, the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine made public its Draft Law ‘On Agriculture’. So after more than 20 years of transition Ukrainian agriculture is near to have its own framework law. In its current form,...
The draft law “on domestic trade” has been developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade aiming at regulating domestic trade and trade-related activities in Ukraine. It is based on the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers #632 from June...
A Draft Law #8053 as of February 2, 2010 “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On State Support to Agriculture” (as to the peculiarities of exports of products subject to state price regulation)” effectively aims at granting to the State a monopoly...
Two draft laws came out to the public in February 2011 that might effectively turn into September 11 for the agriculture and food sectors of Ukraine in case at least one of the two comes into the force. A Draft Law #8053 as of February 2, 2011 “On...
Raw sugar toll processing has been extensively used in international trade. Under tolling, raw sugar is imported duty free, refined and then re-exported as white sugar or in sugar-containing products. This creates a trade that does not harm the...
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