
Monthly economic monitoring

The MEMU contains a monthly review and brief analysis of the key economic policy measures and data that come public during the previous month. The MEMU supplement presents extended analysis of one key event in the Ukrainian economy. There are 12 issues per year distributed among subscribers.





2015      2014      2013      2012      2011      2010      2009      2008      

2007      2006      2005      2004      2003      2002      2001      2000

  • 16.11.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No. 226

    The IER has released the new issue of the Macroeconomic Monitoring of Ukraine (MEMU), which outlines key figures, trends, and events of October 2023.
    Issue:  November 2023
  • 20.10.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No. 225

    The IER has released the new issue of the Macroeconomic Monitoring of Ukraine (MEMU), which outlines key figures, trends, and events of September 2023.
    Issue:  October 2023
  • 12.09.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No. 224

    The IER has released the new issue of the Macroeconomic Monitoring of Ukraine (MEMU), which outlines key figures, trends, and events of August 2023.
    Issue:  September 2023
  • 17.08.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No.223

    The IER has released the new issue of the Macroeconomic Monitoring of Ukraine (MEMU), which outlines key figures, trends, and events of July 2023.
    Issue:  August 2023
  • 14.07.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No.222

    The IER has released the new issue of the Macroeconomic Monitoring of Ukraine (MEMU), which outlines key figures, trends, and events of June 2023.
    Issue:  July, 2023
  • 15.06.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No. 221

    According to the IER, real GDP growth slowed to 19.9% yoy in May compared to almost 22% yoy in April.
    Issue:  June 2023
  • 16.05.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No.220

    Issue:  May 2023
  • 13.04.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No. 219

    In March 2023, according to the IER, real GDP grew by 28% year-on-year (yoy). However, it should be noted that since March, annual figures are compared to the period of russia’s fullscale war against Ukraine. Therefore, compared to March 2021, the current GDP decline would be 31%
  • 14.03.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine ¹218

    Starting in February, we compare the performance indicators of different sectors with the period of the full-fledged war: the effect of the statistical base becomes essential in the analysis.
    Issue:  march 2023
  • 16.02.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine ¹217

    The decline in production in January 2023 decelerated compared to December 2022 in most sectors of the economy. Important: crop production indicators are not included in January's GDP estimates.
  • 13.01.2023

    Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine ¹216

    In our new MEMU (Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine) we talk about the latest news in the economy of Ukraine
  • 12.11.2018

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine ¹10 (214)

    Highlight: BUDGET-2019
    On October 18, the Parliament approved the 2019 Draft State Budget Law in the first reading. The Ministry of Finance and the Verkhovna Rada Budget Committee succeeded to maintain key fiscal indicators rather realistic. This was difficult, as the MPs submitted more than two thousands amendments to the initial draft.
    Issue:  No.10 (214) October 2018
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