
Monthly economic monitoring

  • Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No. 227



    • The EU has decided to open accession talks with Ukraine.

    • The State Statistics Service estimated real GDP growth in the third quarter of 2023 at 9.3% yoy. That is slightly higher than the IER estimate, according to which the growth rate was close to 8% yoy.

    • According to the IER, real GDP growth slowed from 6.4% in October to 3.6% in November.

    • The strike of Polish carriers since November 6 has hindered Ukraine's foreign trade.

    • The deficit in trade in goods narrowed in November amid increased maritime exports and reduced imports amid the blockade of selected road border crossing points.

    • The state budget deficit exceeded one trillion hryvnias. It was financed mainly by soft loans.

    • Ukraine has received a tranche from the IMF and continues heated negotiations with the EU and the US on further support.

    • In November, consumer inflation remained close to 5% yoy as competition for limited consumer demand intensified.

    • Fluctuations in the hryvnia exchange rate prompted banks to trade more foreign currency among themselves, but NBU remained the leading player on the market. The hryvnia depreciated slightly in the first half of December.



    Issue:  December 2023
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