
Monthly economic monitoring

  • Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No.223


    The IER has released the new issue of the Macroeconomic Monitoring of Ukraine (MEMU), which outlines key figures, trends, and events of July 2023.

    According to the IER estimate, real gross value added (GVA) in agriculture increased by almost 5%
    yoy primarily due to the lower statistical base of July 2022.

    The grain harvest in July was close to last year due to higher yields.

    The flooding of territories in June due to the destruction of the Kakhovka dam by russians slowed the pace of crop recovery.

    The mining industry grew insignificantly compared to last year.

    At the same time, we estimate that the processing industry grew by more than 20% yoy due to the recovery of all sectors from a low base.

    The growth rate of real GVA in transport slowed to 9% yoy, while the GVA in trade continued to grow rapidly (about 27% yoy).

    However, the real GVA was significantly lower than in 2021 in all sectors.



    Issue:  August 2023
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