
Archive 2012

  • Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.7 (141)

    • Highlight: Air transportation - FUTURE OF NEW UKRAINIAN AIRPORTS
    • Politics: Ukraine successfully co-hosted UEFA European Football Championship.
    • Real Sector: Real GDP grew by 2.0% yoy in the first quarter of 2012 primarily due to strong real private final consumption.
    • Sectoral news: The Government introduced floating excise duties on petroleum to stabilise prices.
    • External sector: Current account deficit was at USD 0.7 bn in May, while financial and capital account surplus reached USD 1.2 bn.
    • Fiscal policy: Amendments to the Tax Code envisage provision facilitating SME development.
    • Social policy: Real disposable income increased by 10.6% yoy in the first quarter of 2012.
    • Labour market: Labour market remained weak in the beginning of 2012.
    • Monetary policy: In June CPI fell by 1.2% yoy, which was the lowest level of 12-month CPI change in Ukrainian history.
    • Financial markets: The NBU international reserves dipped below USD 30 bn for the first time since June 2010.
    Issue:  No.7 (141) July 2012
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