
Archive 2012

  • Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.5 (139)

    • HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: New Customs Code - New Customs Code: Will foreign trade become easier?
    • Politics: Increase in political uncertainty might hamper investment climate in Ukraine.
    • Real Sector: Economic development slowed in the first quarter of 2012. According to preliminary Ukrstat estimates real GDP grew by 1.8% yoy.
    • Sectoral news: The NERC increased electricity tariffs for large consumption volumes attempting to stimulate energy saving.
    • External sector: Current account deficit shrank to USD 1.2 bn in March due to deceleration of merchandise imports growth to 2.5% yoy.
    • Fiscal policy: The State Budget amendments raise concerns on fiscal sustainability as new fiscal revenues target looks too optimistic.
    • Social policy: The deficit of the Pension Fund will be higher than initially planned due to additional pensions increases.
    • Labour market: Wage growth in the first quarter of 2012 is likely to be primarily attributed to increase in minimum wage.
    • Monetary policy: Guidelines for monetary policy in 2012 have not yet been made public.
    • Financial markets: The NBU diversified its foreign currency holdings in 2011.
    Issue:  No.5 (139) May 2012
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