
Archive 2011

  • Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.10 (132)

    • Politics: The President of Ukraine held talks with Russia and attended Eastern Partnership Summit.
    • Real Sector: Higher real private final consumption supported real GDP growth at 3.8% in the second quarter of 2011.
    • Sectoral news: Gas tariffs were again increased only for industrial consumers.
    • External sector: In August current account deficit widened to USD 1.0 bn due to increase in deficit of merchandise trade.
    • Fiscal policy: Economic recovery and taxation changes resulted in growth of central fiscal revenues at 40.7% yoy in the first eight months of the year.
    • Social policy: Disposable income growth decelerated to 3.4% yoy in the second quarter.
    • Labour market: Unemployment rate reduced mainly due to demographic changes.
    • Monetary policy: CPI growth further slowed to 5.9% yoy in September.
    • Financial markets: The NBU foreign exchange reserves dropped due to fluctuations in exchange rate of major reserve currencies and interventions.
    • HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Budget 2012 - Draft State Budget for 2012: uncertainties remain
    Issue:  ¹10 (132) October 2011
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