
Archive 2011

The MEMU contains a monthly review and brief analysis of the key economic policy measures and data that come public during the previous month. The MEMU supplement presents extended analysis of one key event in the Ukrainian economy. There are 12 issues per year disturbed among subscribers.




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  • 09.12.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.12 (134)

    Real industrial output growth decelerated further to 4.7% yoy in October as compared to 6.4% yoy in September. In particular, growth in chemical production and metallurgy slowed down likely due to low external demand. At the same time, deceleration of growth of food industry could be related to statistical base effect.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Business confidence -Economic sentiments in Ukraine

    Issue:  ¹12 (134) December 2011
  • 14.11.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.11 (133)

    According to the preliminary Ukrstat estimates, real GDP growth accelerated to 6.6% yoy in the third quarter of 2011. The growth was likely supported by strong household consumption and increased inventories of recent grain harvest.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: REGIONAL INTEGRATION - October harvest: completion of talks for two complementary FTAs

    Issue:  ¹11 (133) November 2011
  • 10.10.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.10 (132)

    The Ukrstat maintained its previous estimate of real GDP growth at 3.8% yoy in the second quarter of 2011 as compared to 5.3% yoy in the first quarter. On the production side, real gross value added (GVA) in manufacturing increased by 8.7% yoy.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Budget 2012 - Draft State Budget for 2012: uncertainties remain

    Issue:  ¹10 (132) October 2011
  • 14.09.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.9 (131)

    In July industrial production growth slightly decelerated to 8.7% yoy due to slowdown in growth rates of output in manufacturing by 0.6 p.p. to 9.0% yoy. In particular, production of oil products fell by 20.9% yoy due to jump in statistical base.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Land market - What is the Value of Farmland in Ukraine?

    Issue:  ¹9 (131) September 2011
  • 10.08.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.8 (130)

    According to preliminary estimations of the Derzhkomstat real GDP growth decelerated to 3.8% yoy in the second quarter of 2011 as compared to 5.3% yoy in the first three months of the year. Slower economic growth is primarily attributed to the low statistical base of the first quarter of 2010.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: State Procurement - State procurement legislation needs further correction

    Issue:  No.8 (130) August 2011
  • 12.07.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.7 (129)

    The Derzhkomstat revised its estimate of real GDP growth in the first quarter of 2011 upwards to 5.3% yoy. On demand side, household consumption increased by 12.7% yoy supported by growing household incomes and lower debt burden.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Grain export duties - Inconsistency between government policy and declared goals

    Issue:  No.7 (129) July 2011
  • 16.06.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.6 (128)

    According to preliminary Derzhkomstat estimate real GDP grew by 5.2% yoy in the first quarter of 2011. On demand side increase of investments in fixed capital by 12.0% yoy and high consumer demand contributed to the growth.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Doing business - Much room for improvement of business climate

    Issue:  No.6 (128) June 2011
  • 11.05.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.5 (127)

    In March industrial production growth decelerated to 8.0% yoy. Steel production growth decelerated to 5.7% yoy due to steel accumulated during previous months.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Pension reform - The urge for sustainability of pension system

    Issue:  No.5 (127) May 2011
  • 13.04.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.4 (126)

    The Derzhkomstat released latest estimates of GDP in 2010 and revised quarterly breakdown of GDP. Real GDP grew by 4.2% while nominal GDP was revised upwards to UAH 1095 bn.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Foreign trade policy - Between two customs unions

    Issue:  No.4 (126) April 2011
  • 10.03.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.3 (125)

    According to preliminary estimate of the Derzhkomstat, real GDP grew by 4.2% in 2010. On demand side, the major contributor to the growth was real final private consumption that increased by 5.8% in 2010.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Agriculture - State monopolies in trade: harm to Ukrainian agriculture

    Issue:  No.3 (125) March 2011
  • 14.02.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.2 (124)

    In December, industrial production growth accelerated to 12.5% yoy leading to 11.0% growth over twelve months of 2010. External demand was the major driver of growth against the background of weaker domestic demand.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Petroleum products market - Introduction of import duties: pro & contra

    Issue:  No.2 (124) February 2011
  • 17.01.2011

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.1 (123)

    According to Derzhkomstat data, real GDP grew by 3.4% yoy in the third quarter of 2010, as compared with 5.9% yoy growth observed in the second quarter.


    Issue:  No.1 (123) January 2011
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