
Archive 2010


The MEMU contains a monthly review and brief analysis of the key economic policy measures and data that come public during the previous month. The MEMU supplement presents extended analysis of one key event in the Ukrainian economy. There are 12 issues per year disturbed among subscribers.






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  • 11.12.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.12 (122)

    In October as well as in September, industrial production grew by 10.2% yoy. Increased demand for export goods was balanced by slower growth of food industry.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Tax code - First steps towards the tax reform

    Issue:  No.12 (122) December 2010
  • 11.11.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.11 (121)

    In September, industrial output growth accelerated to 10.2% yoy. The growth was mainly driven by increase in production of export-oriented industries.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Free trade with EU - Free trade negotiations with EU

    Issue:  No.11 (121) November 2010
  • 11.10.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.10 (120)

    In early October, the Derzhkomstat released updated GDP estimate for the second quarter of 2010. According to revised data, real GDP increased by 5.9% yoy in the second quarter driven by strong exports and recovery of domestic final consumption.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: STATE DEBT - State debt sustainability becomes an issue

    Issue:  No.10 (120) October 2010
  • 14.09.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.9 (119)

    According to the preliminary estimate of the Derzhkomstat, real GDP increased by 6.0% yoy in the second quarter of 2010. Real GDP growth accelerated from 4.9% yoy in the first quarter.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: NEW AIR CODE - Why does Ukraine need it?

    Issue:  No.9 (119) September 2010
  • 10.08.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.8 (118)

    Industrial production growth in June continued to decelerate to 8.9% yoy. Growth of metallurgy and chemical production growth slowed to 6.7% yoy and 15.3% yoy, respectively, due to weak external demand.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: New Gas Market Law - New model of gas market: what will it change?

    Issue:  No.8 (118) August 2010
  • 10.07.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.7 (117)

    According to the new estimate of Derzhkomstat GDP increased by 4.9% yoy in the first quarter of 2010. On the demand side, economic growth was driven by real exports growth by 7.0% yoy and smaller decrease in inventories than in the first quarter of 2009.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Draft Tax Code - Who will benefit from the Tax Code approval?

    Issue:  No.7 (117) July 2010
  • 10.06.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.6 (116)

    According to the preliminary estimate of Derzhkomstat, real GDP increased by 4.8% yoy in the first quarter of 2010. The real GDP growth was likely attributed to real exports growth and changes in inventories.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: European debt crisis

    Issue:  No.6 (116) June 2010
  • 10.05.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.15 (115)

    In March, industrial production increased by record 13.8% yoy, being the highest performance since August 2008.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Is discount on gas price really advantageous?

    Issue:  No.5 (115) May 2010
  • 10.04.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.4 (114)

    According to revised estimate provided by the Derzhkomstat, real GDP contracted by 15.1% in 2009. The decline decelerated in the fourth quarter of the year, though remained deep at 6.8% yoy despite low statistical base in fourth quarter of 2008.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Fiscal sustainability urges reforms

    Issue:  No.4 (114) April 2010
  • 10.03.2010

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.3 (113)

    According to preliminary estimate of the Derzhkomstat, real GDP contraction in 2009 was 15.0%, signaling about limited improvement of economic activity in the last quarter of the year.

    HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Why are sugar prices in Ukraine so high?

    Issue:  No.3 (113) March 2010
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