
Archive 2009

  • Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.1 (99)

    • Newly established parliamentary coalition lacks majority.
    • Real GDP growth slowed to 3.6% yoy for eleven months of the year after massive decline in November.
    • According to preliminary estimate of the Derzhkomstat, real GDP increased by mere 2.1% in 2008.
    • Gazprom ceased to supply gas to Ukraine on January 1 after gas negotiations failed.
    • The NBU estimated current account deficit at USD 11.7 bn or 6.7% of GDP in the first eleven months of 2008.
    • 2009 budget was passed with deficit at 3.0% of GDP.
    • Central fiscal transfer to the Pension Fund is estimated at 4.7% of GDP for 2009.
    • Consumer price inflation remained at 22.3% yoy in December.
    • Inter-bank exchange rate reached new historical low at 9.55 UAH/USD in mid-December but hryvnya returned to the previous levels by the end of the month.
    • HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: A budget is highly in deficit.
    Issue:  No.1 (99) January 2009
    Attached file  (182.3 kb)
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