
Archive 2006

The MEMU contains a monthly review and brief analysis of the key economic policy measures and data that come public during the previous month. The MEMU supplement presents extended analysis of one key event in the Ukrainian economy. There are 12 issues per year disturbed among subscribers.




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  • 01.01.2007

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.12 (74)

    According to the Derzhkomstat, in the first ten months of the year the real GDP increased by 6.5% yoy compared to 2.8% yoy growth a year before.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "WTO accession: three steps to the end of talks"

    Issue:  No.12 (74) December 2006
  • 01.12.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.11 (73)

    Economic growth in Ukraine continues accelerating. According to the Derzhkomstat, in the first nine months of the year real GDP increased by 6.2% yoy. The growth is backed by speeding-up development of industry and services.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "What are the economic costs of recent grain export restrictions?"

    Issue:  No.11 (73) November 2006
  • 01.11.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.10 (72)

    In the first eight months of the year the real GDP increased by 5.7% yoy compared to the 2.8% yoy rise in the same period of 2005.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "President versusu Prime Minister: defining foreign policy priorities"

    Issue:  No.10 (72) October 2006
  • 01.10.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.9 (71)

    In the first seven months of the year real GDP growth was 5.5% yoy, continuing accelerating. Increased value added in industry, wholesale and retail trades and transport were the largest contributors to the overall economic growth in the country.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "The political crisis has been finally resolved in August"

    Issue:  No.9 (71) September 2006
  • 01.09.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine

    Despite the political turmoil the real GDP growth continues speeding up. According to the Derzhkomstat, in the first half of 2006 real GDP increased by 5.0% yoy, that is one percentage point above the growth rate in the five months of the year.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "Economic growth in 2006^ risks that didn not materialised"

    Issue:  No.8 (70) August 2006
  • 03.08.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.7 (69)

    According to the Derzhkomstat, in the first five months the growth of real GDP reached 4.0% yoy, considerably speeding as compared to 2.7% yoy observed in the previous month.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "New challenges for economic policy in Ukraine: proposals for immediate action"

    Issue:  No.7 (69) July 2006
  • 02.07.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.6 (68)

    In the first four months of the year real GDP increased by 2.7% yoy, gradually accelerating compared to the beginning of the year. The major contributors to the GDP growth were service sectors, in particular trade and transport, and agriculture.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "Public utilities tariffs rise: first response to new challenges"

    Issue:  No.6 (68) June 2006
  • 03.06.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.5 (67)

    In the first quarter real GDP increased by 2.4% yoy despite the further reduction of value added in manufacturing by 0.8% yoy. The GDP growth was supported by the stable development of agriculture and service sectors, in particular transport.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "Deceleration of economic growth in 2005: what statistics tell us"

    Issue:  No.5 (67) May 2006
  • 02.05.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.4 (66)

    According to Derzhkomstat, in the first two months of 2006 the real GDP growth was 1.5% yoy, thus a bit higher than at the beginning of the year. The acceleration is attributed to improved performance of industry and construction, backed by stable growth of agriculture and transport.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "Parliament elections 2006"

    Issue:  No.4 (66) April 2006
  • 02.05.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.3 (65)

    In January 2006 the economic development in Ukraine further decelerated. According to Derzhkomstat estimates, the real GDP grew by mere 0.9% yoy against the background of severe external price shock, namely the sharp increase in the price of imported gas.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "Ukraine’s dairy industry lost access to its largest export market"

    Issue:  No.3 (65) March 2006
  • 02.03.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.2 (64)

    According to Derzhkomstat preliminary information, in 2005 real GDP grew by 2.4%. It is the lowest growth figure since the beginning of economic recovery in 2000.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "Gas dispute: temporary truce"

    Issue:  No.2 (64) February 2006
  • 01.02.2006

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.1 (63)

    According to Derzhkomstat, between January and November real GDP grew by 2.2% yoy, further decelerating as compared with previous period figure.

    MEMU SUPPLEMENT: "The Parliament has adopted the State budget for 2006"

    Issue:  No.1 (63) January 2006
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