
Archive 2003

  • Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.9 (35)

    • A new proposal on constitutional reform foresees the election of the president of Ukraine by the Verkhovna Rada.
    • Six parties of the parliamentary majority are going to put forward a single presidential candidate.
    • The value added in agriculture decreased significantly because of the poor and late grain harvest, slowing real GDP growth.
    • The State Property Fund of Ukraine is compiling a list of enterprises to be privatised in 2004, for which it projects privatisation revenues of UAH 2.15 bn.
    • Between January and June exports of goods grew by 27% and imports of goods increased by 29% yoy.
    • The President vetoed amendments to the law on VAT, which envisaged a reduction of the VAT rate from 20% to 17%. He also vetoed the recently adopted law “On Telecommunications”.
    • The NBU, the Cabinet of Ministers and the World Bank are undertaking a joint effort to reform Oschadbank.
    Issue:  No.9 (35) September 2003
    Attached file  (124.8 kb)
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