
Archive 2002

The MEMU contains a monthly review and brief analysis of the key economic policy measures and data that come public during the previous month. The MEMU supplement presents extended analysis of one key event in the Ukrainian economy. There are 12 issues per year disturbed among subscribers.




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  • 30.12.2003

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.12 (26)

    From January to October the real GDP grew by 4.1% yoy mainly owing to growth of value added in the manufacturing industry, agriculture, and the wholesale and retail trades. The Ministry of Economy and European Integration further reduced its forecast of yearly real GDP growth from 4.8-6% to 4.5-4.8% in 2002. The official forecast of annual industrial growth is 5-6%, which corresponds to the current tendency.

    Issue:  No.12 (26) December 2002
  • 02.12.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.11 (25)

    In the first nine months of 2002 the real GDP grew by 4.1% yoy compared to 9.3% yoy growth in the respective period of the previous year. This slowdown in development path applied to all sectors of the economy. Growth rates of major economic activities like agriculture and manufacturing were less than one half of those for January to September 2001.

    Issue:  No.11 (25) November 2002
  • 02.11.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.10 (24)

    During the first eight months of the year the real GDP grew by 4.2% yoy. Most likely, this will only reach the level of conservative official scenario that foresees a 4.8% rise in GDP in 2002. Official target scenario for Ukraine’s economic development envisages 6.0% growth. At present, the major contributions to growth come from the manufacturing industry and the wholesale and retail trades, and to a lesser extent from agriculture.

    Issue:  No.10 (24) October 2002
  • 02.11.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.9 (23)

    The Government announced a moratorium on the establishment of new special (free) economic zones and territories of priority development until 2005. Furthermore, the Government may close some existing regions after assessing their efficiency. At present Ukraine have 11 zones and 66 territories. Despite considerable tax privileges, since 1999 these regions have managed to attract only 5% of total investment. This result shows that the countrywide investment climate, including lower tax burden and stricter contract enforcement, is more important for economic growth, than regional privileges.

    Issue:  No.9 (23) September 2002
  • 02.09.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.8 (22)

    The Ministry of Economy and European Integration revised the GDP forecast for 2002. If previously the Ministry anticipated a 6.0% growth, two scenarios are now being proposed. According to the target scenario, the real GDP will reach 6.0% in 2002, while the conservative scenario envisages only a 4.8% increase.

    Issue:  No.8 (22) August 2002
  • 03.08.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.7 (21)

    The real GDP posted a 3.8% yoy growth in January-May 2002, which is substantially lower than a 9.0% yoy rise in the respective period of the previous year. The lower than expected growth rate of the economy provoked a discussion over the attainability of the officially forecast GDP. According to our estimations, the annual real GDP growth will reach 4.6%, not 6.0% as forecast by the Government.

    Issue:  No.7 (21) July 2002
  • 02.07.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.6 (20)

    The growth of the real GDP was maintained at the 4.1% yoy level during the first four months of 2002. As before, manufacturing, agriculture, and trade contributed most to this increase. Industrial production grew by 3.5% yoy in January-April 2002 mainly due to rises in the food sector, machine building, and the coke and petroleum processing industries.

    Issue:  No.6 (20) June 2002
  • 02.06.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.5 (19)

    The Cabinet of Ministers continued signing coordination memorandums with large players of the national economy. In March 2002 such memorandums were signed with grain and sugar producers, and in April the Cabinet reached agreements with the ore-mining and metallurgical sector, as well as with producers of fertiliser.

    Issue:  No.5 (19) May 2002
  • 02.05.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.4 (18)

    In January-February 2002 the real GDP grew by 3.6% yoy, mainly due to a continuing increase of value added in agriculture, in the wholesale and retail trades, and in manufacturing. The latter partially improved its growth rate after a January slowdown, despite a further decline in metallurgy.

    Issue:  No.4 (18) April 2002
  • 04.04.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.3 (17)

    In January 2002 the real GDP grew 3.2%, showing significant deceleration when compared to the 9.1% yoy increase in the first month of 2001. This slowdown is related to negative value added growth rates in the extractive industry and the construction sector, as well as a very small growth in manufacturing industry. In line with expectations, the wholesale and retail trade sectors became the main contributors to growth. The increase in nominal GDP was nearly 3.7% yoy indicating very low inflation in the country.

    Issue:  No.3 (17) March 2002
  • 02.03.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.2 (16)

    The real GDP grew 9% yoy in 2001 continuing the course of economic recovery started in late 1999. The economic development in 2001 was led by domestic final consumption and investments. On the supply side, the growth was supported by increase in the wholesale and retail trade sector contributing about one fourth of the total GDP growth during the first nine months of 2001, as well as significant expansions in agricultural and industrial value added.

    Issue:  No.2 (16) February 2002
  • 02.02.2002

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.1 (15)

    The gross industrial output grew by 15.4% yoy during the first eleven months of 2001. Although in absolute terms metallurgy remained the largest Ukrainian industry, its contribution to growth of real industrial output decreased significantly during the year.

    Issue:  No.1 (15) January 2002
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