This is the twelfth “Infrastructure Monitoring for Ukraine” report issued by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting in Kyiv. It presents information on the restructuring of six key infrastructure sectors of the Ukrainian economy in a standardized manner, which allows for cross-industry comparisons. When developing the evaluation methodology the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting followed the EBRD’s approach. Monitored indicators are qualitative and fall into three broad categories: (1) commercialisation, (2) tariff reform, and (3) regulatory and institutional development. Twenty-one indicators allow for economic and policy-making analysis at different aggregation levels. The indicators are constructed in a way that represents the status of the reforms in each sector at a given moment in time. An extensive discussion of the methodology employed was presented in the first issue of IMU.
Section 1 contains an executive summary that outlines major developments within selected sectors of the infrastructure during the period from September 2009 till August 2010. A general analysis of the Ukrainian infrastructure policies is presented in Section 2. The detailed study of reforms in each of the six sectors includes not only an ex-post analysis, but also an outline of major challenges to future development. A description of the reform progress in each infrastructure sector supplements the numerical evaluation and provides a broader view of the situation. Appendiñes summarize the evaluations in tabular form and provide methodological explanations and detailed comments for each indicator.