
Archive 2008

The IMU is an annual review, analysis and assessment of the reforms in six infrastructure sectors – telecommunications, railways, roads, electricity, gas, water and wastewater treatment. Assessment of the state of Ukraine’s infrastructure in theses sectors is done on the basis of 21 indicators used by the EBRD. Overall indicators allows cross-sector and cross-country comparisons.

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  • 06.09.2008

    Infrastructure Monitoring for Ukraine (IMU) No. 10/2008

    "The indicator for Telecommunications has been decreased from 2.53 to 2.46. The decrease is explained by loss in independence of the regulator in the sector. Some reduction of political impact on tariffs setting and exclusion of fixed-line long-distance calls from the list of the state-regulated services were positively assessed, but could not exceed negative impact of previously noted development."

    Issue:  September 2008(No. 10)
    Authors:  Сисенко Наталія, Юзефович Інна, Фердинанд Павел, Чухай Анна
    Research spheres:  Infrastructure
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