This second issue on Infrastructure Monitoring for Ukraine (IMU) contains a brief overview of government policies and an analysis of reform developments in the infrastructure industries.
The IMU is an annual review, analysis and assessment of the reforms in six infrastructure sectors – telecommunications, railways, roads, electricity, gas, water and wastewater treatment. Assessment of the state of Ukraine’s infrastructure in theses sectors is done on the basis of 21 indicators used by the EBRD. Overall indicators allows cross-sector and cross-country comparisons.
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This second issue on Infrastructure Monitoring for Ukraine (IMU) contains a brief overview of government policies and an analysis of reform developments in the infrastructure industries.
Infrastructure modernisation and development is of crucial importance for sustainable growth in Ukraine. Yet progress has been limited thus far. Infrastructure investments, including foreign, have been limited to some individual projects, which have not influenced the overall operational efficiency of the infrastructure sector. A tradition of public ownership and operation of infrastructure, coupled with theoretical justifications for government intervention, placed this sector of the economy among the slowest reformers overburdened with government mismanagement.