
Business surveys: industry

  • Quarterly Enterprise Survey (Q1, 2019)


    Main: Against the background of rising levels of uncertainty, business expectations for the near future continue to be cautious.

    General indicators of business climate and conjuncture:

    The value of aggregated indicator increased from -0.12 in IV-th quarter to 0,01 in I-st quarter of 2019.

    The value of index flow financial and economic situation of enterprise increased a little from -0.08 of I-st quarter to -0.03 of IVth quarter but it is still negative.

    The value of index of expected changes in financial and economic situation stays on the same level – 0.21 of I-st quarter, 0.28 and 0.24 of tentative quarters of 2019.

    The value of index of current state in business of I-st quarter of 2019 has increased than gone back to the value of III-d quarter of 2018 and now is -0.02

    The index of expected changes in business decreased from 0.23 of IV-th quarter 2018 to 0.13 of I-st quarter of 2019. The fraction of managers, who think that unfavorable regulation climate is an obstacle for production increasing, decreased from 35.5% of IV-th quarter to 30.8% of I-st quarter.


    The value of index of production changes continued decreasing from 0.23 of III-d quarter to 0.12 of IV-th quarter 2018 to -0.1 of I-st quarter of 2019.

    In prospective of the next 3 months the value of index of expected changes abruptly increased from -0.02 to 0.37.


    The index of domestic demand decreased from 0.14 of IV-th quarter to 0.05 of I-st quarter.

    Enterprises’ managers were in waiting position of increasing domestic demand – from -0.04 IV-th quarter to 0.27 in I-st quarter.

    Employment and labor market:

    The value of index of employment changes increased from -0.09 of IV-th quarter 2018 to -0.11 of I-st quarter of 2019.

    The level of search complexity for qualified employees is still high – 0.61 of IV-quarter of 2018 and same of I-st quarter of 2019.


    From IV-th quarter of 2018 to I-st quarter 2019 the index of raw price changes hasn’t changed and still 0.56 but index of realization price decreased from 0.36 to 0.46.

    The value of index of expected raw price changes decreased from 0.41 to 0.22 same as the index of expected realization prices decreased from 0.26 to 0.1.

    Attached file  (330.1 kb)
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