
Archive 2013

  • 18.09.2013

    Quarterly Enterprise Survey No.3 (45)

    In July the Industrial Confidence Indicator has decreased compared to April (from 0.07 to 0.02). It has happened because of the reduction of the component “Expected production level” from 0.47 to 0.02.

    Authors:  Kuziakiv Oksana, ×åíàø ²ííà
  • 17.06.2013

    Quarterly Enterprise Survey No.2 (44)

    In April the Industrial Confidence Indicator has not changed compared to February (0.08 and 0.07). It has happened because the positive influence of the component “Expected production level” on the Industrial Confidence Indicator (from 0.02 in February to 0.47 in April) has been balanced by negative trends of the decrease of component “New orders” (from -0.23 to -0.45) and increase of the indicator “Stock of finished goods” (from -0.45 to -0.20).

    Authors:  Kuziakiv Oksana, ×åíàø ²ííà
  • 15.03.2013

    Quarterly Enterprise Survey No.1 (43)

    Expectations of the firms’ managers about positive changes of business climate within next six months have not changed compared to the previous quarter. The value of the index of expected changes of business climate made up -0.01 in October and now it equals to -0.02.

    Authors:  Kuziakiv Oksana, ×åíàø ²ííà
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