In October the Industrial Confidence Indicator made up 0.01. Its value decreased by 3 points in comparison to July.
Business Tendency Surveys: Industry are quarterly monitoring perceptions and expectations of managers regarding changes in overall economic conditions, production and financial performance at the firm level. This publication provides with the overall picture of current economic performance in Ukraine as well as the insight about future tendency of business cycle in the country. It includes the early warning indicators such as leading and coincident ones. There are four publications of the Business Surveys: Industry per year available to participants of the surveys and to subscribers.
In October the Industrial Confidence Indicator made up 0.01. Its value decreased by 3 points in comparison to July.
In July the Industrial Confidence Indicator made up 0.04. After the sharp increase in April compared to February by 24 points (from -0.14 to 0.10), it has decreased by 6 points in comparison to April.
In April the Industrial Confidence Indicator made up 0.10. After the decrease in February 2011 compared to November 2010 by 22 points (from 0.08 to -0.14), it has sharply increased by 24 points in comparison to February.
The Industrial Confidence Indicator decreased by 22 points in February 2011 compared to October 2010 and made up -0.14. It happened due to the significant deterioration of the production plans of the enterprises for the next 3 months.