
Archive 2002

Business Tendency Surveys: Industry are quarterly monitoring perceptions and expectations of managers regarding changes in overall economic conditions, production and financial performance at the firm level.  This publication provides with the overall picture of current economic performance in Ukraine as well as the insight about future tendency of business cycle in the country. It includes the early warning indicators such as leading and coincident ones. There are four publications of the Business Surveys: Industry per year available to participants of the surveys and to subscribers.




2013         2012         2011         2010         2009         2008         2007

2006         2005         2004         2003         2002 


  • 02.11.2002

    Quarterly Enterprise Survey No.2

    Both indicators of business climate have decreased: index of current situation has gone from -0.27 down to 0.29, and index of business expectations has dropped dramatically from 0.27 to 0.17. Importantly, for the first time since Q3 00, index of business expectations became negative.

  • 02.10.2002

    Quarterly Enterprise Survey No.1

    Managers of the enterprises in this survey have optimistic expectations for future economic perspectives in the next 6 months: 41.6% expect the business climate to improve while only 15.1% believe that it will deteriorate. Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2001 (the last round of this survey) the index of business climate expectations has increased from 0.07 to 0.27. However, managers of small firms (in terms of employment) are less optimistic than those of large firms.

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