
Archive 2011

Business Tendency Survey: banks — quarterly monitoring perceptions and expectations of banks managers regarding changes in overall economic conditions, performance at the banks level.  This publication provides with the overall picture of current economic performance in Ukraine as well as the insight about future tendency of business cycle in the country.

The product is distributed among subscribers.




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  • 02.11.2011

    Quarterly Bank Survey No.2 (11)

    Assessment of business climate stabilized at a neutral level. Index of business climate assessment equals zero after decreasing slightly from the level of 0.06 in the 1st quarter of the current year. In the 2nd quarter of 2011, the number of banks that evaluated business situation positively somewhat increased: from 5.6% in the 1st quarter of 2011 to 11.1% in the 2nd quarter.

  • 16.06.2011

    Quarterly Bank Survey No.1 (10)

    Competition in the sector moved to the top position among the impediments for banking in Ukraine. 88.9% of the banks named it as an impediment. Unfavorable regulatory climate continues to be a significant barrier with 66.7% of the banks indicating it, though it became less influential one compared to the results of the previous surveys.

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