
"Information of the WTO members"

The Newsletter is published only in Ukrainian.

  • 23.02.2016

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.80

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: changes to legislation on feed additives
    - Canada: changes to the list of permitted sweeteners
    - Thailand: clarification on food labeling
    Issue:  No.80 February 2016
  • 23.02.2016

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.79

    У випуску інформаційного бюлетеня:
    - EU: ban on the use of certain chemicals in cosmetic products
    - EU: changes to the legislation on tobacco products
    - Czech Republic: amendments to the legislation on construction products
    Issue:  No.79 January 2016
  • 23.02.2016

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.78

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: introduction of technical standards on electronic cigarettes
    - Russia: temporary ban on swine imports from Ukraine
    - Republic of Korea: changes to the food standards
    Issue:  No.78 January 2016
  • 18.01.2016

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.77

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - Hungary: changes to the legislation on tobacco products
    - EU: revision of the list of substances of very high health concern
    - EU: changes of maximum residue levels for certain substances in food
    Issue:  No.77 December 2015
  • 29.12.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.76

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: amendments to the regulation on substances and mixtures
    - EU: amendments to the regulation on cosmetic products
    - Russia: changes to the technical regulations on food safety
    Issue:  No.76 December 2015
  • 24.12.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.75

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: review of the list of flavouring substances allowed for the use in food production
    - New Zealand: development of notification procedure for food import
    - Singapore: amendments to food regulation
    Issue:  No.75 December 2015
  • 24.11.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.74

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - USA: clarifications as to tobacco products regulation
    - Russia: amendments to the Common list of goods subject to veterinary control
    - Republic of Korea: amendments to food standards
    Issue:  No.74 November 2015
  • 12.11.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.73

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - Republic of Korea: amendments to the standards for livestock products
    - Russia: approval of common rules to ensure plant quarantine
    - Russia: changes to the procedure as regard to transportation of products subject to quarantine control
    Issue:  No.73 November 2015
  • 09.11.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.72

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: non-approval of the use of pesticide active substance
    - EU: revision of the maximum residue levels for certain substances in food
    - EU: changes to the regulations on the use of chemicals
    Issue:  No.72 October 2015
  • 09.11.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.71

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - Switzerland: harmonization with EU food legislation
    - Russia: development of rules governing the circulation of veterinary medicinal products
    - Indonesia: development of regulation on processed food advertising control
    Issue:  No.71 October 2015
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