Russia might change its trade regime vis-a-vis Ukraine from the current free trade regime to Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) status
It is a common product of German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms in Ukraine and Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. Its goal is a quick analysis and provision policy recommendations for Ukrainian policy makers. The papers are available for policy makers and – with some time lag – for general public.
Russia might change its trade regime vis-a-vis Ukraine from the current free trade regime to Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) status
The Ukrainian government began a significant reform of the healthcare system in 2011 with the aim to improve the equity and quality of health care in the country. The new system will be based on primary care provided by family doctors. The reforms do not currently address the concerns surrounding providing health care to groups of patients with particular disease types such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and cancer etc., even though this issue is essential for Ukraine due to a high proportion of the population with such diseases. To conduct any Ukrainian reform of healthcare provision for these groups, an analysis of international experience is invaluable.
As we argue in our previous Policy Briefing PB/07/2012, the Eurozone crisis that started in spring 2010 in Greece has three components: public debt crisis, banking crisis, economic growth crisis. Apart from affecting Eurozone countries, the crisis also poses a major and on-going challenge to neighbouring countries, as economic and financial linkages are strong. Each component of the crisis has thus potential implications for Ukraine, which has strong links to the EU and the Eurozone. This policy briefing analyses and assesses these linkages in more detail.
Central banks usually hold official foreign exchange reserves (“FX reserves”) as a precautionary liquidity buffer to decrease the adverse impact of negative external shocks in times of financial stress or crises. A resulting question for the authorities is the appropriate level of such FX reserve holdings, as such holdings are usually associated with benefits and costs.
Objective of this Policy Briefing: ànalyse what can be done to improve energy efficiency in district heating companies