Goal of our empirical research: What is the appropriate level of the exchange rate UAH/USD according to fundamentals only? In technical language: What is the equilibrium exchange rate UAH/USD?
It is a common product of German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms in Ukraine and Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. Its goal is a quick analysis and provision policy recommendations for Ukrainian policy makers. The papers are available for policy makers and – with some time lag – for general public.
Goal of our empirical research: What is the appropriate level of the exchange rate UAH/USD according to fundamentals only? In technical language: What is the equilibrium exchange rate UAH/USD?
FI can increase the amount of capital in the economy and thus tackle the problem of capital scarcity. Contribution to higher private and public investment
1. Allgemeiner Überblick - Systemaufbau des deutschen Besteuerungssystems
2. Klassifikation von Risikogruppen
3. Methoden zur Überwachung der Steuerpflichtigen
4. Sanktionsmöglichkeiten
5. Empfehlungen Ukraine
1. Steuerhoheit sowie Zuständigkeiten
2. Besteuerungsgegenstand - Steuerbefreiungen
3. Nationale und internationale Vorsteueranrechnung bzw. -vergütung
4. Gesetzliche Meldepflichten und deren formelle Anforderungen
5. Methoden der Betrugsbekämpfung
6. Empfehlungen Ukraine
1. Key facts on FDI attraction in Ukraine
2. Current centralistic approach of FDI promotion agency
3. Towards a market-based approach
4. Outlook
Annex 1: List of priorities and “national projects”
Annex 2: Recent advisory work on FDI promotion
Annex 3: Contact
The Ukrainian gas market is split into two segments:
1. One for domestic producer & final consumer
2. And one for imported gas & industrial consumer
Die deutsche Außenwirtschaftspolitik unter Federführung des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) unterstützt und fördert die Interessen deutscher Unternehmen im Ausland mit vielfältigen Institutionen und Instrumenten.
The antecedent policy paper PP/04/2010 and policy briefing PB/10/2010 explained the success factors and the process of building up an agency for the attraction and promotion of FDI to Ukraine.
Administrative burden of tax regulation for companies in Ukraine is very high by international standards.