It is widely accepted that higher education and research improves the knowledge base of a society and spurs economic growth. Improvement of the agricultural knowledge and information system in Ukraine could be of special concern; a high potential of growth in the agribusiness sector can be expected based on improved knowledge and information. Improved higher education in agriculture and agricultural research could improve the chances of the young generation in particular on the country side. Furthermore, increased agricultural growth could also help closing the widening gap in income between urban and rural areas.
It is assumed in this study that the agricultural knowledge and information system is generally based on three pillars: the system of higher education, the research system and the extension system which has to transfer the newly created knowledge to the users, such as farmers or agribusiness companies. This study deals in more detail with the first pillar rather than with the other two pillars due to the following rationale. Higher education is the most important pillar. The higher education system generates the key actors for the other two pillars – the researchers and extension workers. Hence, without a good system of higher education a country can hardly become a front runner in research and in introducing innovations. The focus on higher education has also been chosen because Ukraine is in the process of restructuring higher education and research. It seems that research in agriculture and in particular in agricultural economics was less funded than higher education based on international standards.