
Archive 2007

  • 09.09.2007

    Financing GHG Emission Reduction Projects in Agriculture in Ukraine - Use options for markets related to the Kyoto Protocol

    (Code:AgPP 15)

    Agriculture and food are important sectors in Ukraine with growing opportunities on international commodity markets driven by increasing demand for food, feed and renewable energy. At the same time Ukraine’s dependency of fossil energy leads to the search for new energy supply concepts. Therefore, decentralised energy production and energy saving is on the top policy agenda. So, one would expect that the Kyoto Protocol would provide a fruitful environment to allow for a boom of bioenergy production from agricultural residues in Ukraine. However, among 74 Ukrainian investment projects proposed as JI projects so far, only two are associated to agriculture.

    Authors:  Ëåìàíí À., Ô³ëîíåíêî Î., Æåëºçíà Ò.
    Research spheres:  Infrastructure
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