Presently, high risks associated with local borrowing in Ukraine provide a ground for setting significant (though non-prohibitive) legal restrictions in order to ensure fiscal stability and protection of creditors’ rights.
The policy papers are the joint product of the German Advisory Group for Economic Reforms in Ukraine and the IER aimed at providing economic policy recommendations to Ukraine’s policy makers. The recommendations are based on the careful analysis of Ukraine’s situation, state-of-the-art economic theory, and best international practices. The papers are available for policy makers and – with some time lag – for general public.
Presently, high risks associated with local borrowing in Ukraine provide a ground for setting significant (though non-prohibitive) legal restrictions in order to ensure fiscal stability and protection of creditors’ rights.
The Government of Ukraine currently plans an administrative increase of the minimum wage. While such a measure could yield higher incomes for some of the working poor, the government has to respect the trade-off between poverty alleviation and employment creation.
Public utilities in Ukraine operate under unreliable economic conditions due to generic failures in the institutional and economic environment. As a consequence, they have accumulated losses and thus failed to attract sufficient investments, which in turn has lead to a serious deterioration of the existing infrastructure. At present, the Verkhovna Rada discusses a reform program aimed at providing a legal basis for improving performance of public utilities.
VAT revenues in Ukraine are undermined by numerous privileges and low tax compliance due to manipulations and/or outright fraud causing inadequate tax collection and high tax refunds claims.
In contrast to most transition economies, Ukraine does not allow branches of foreign banks to operate in its domestic banking market. The NBU has recently submitted a draft law to parliament, which envisages allowing foreign branch entry.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has drafted a strategy for the development of Ukraine’s agricultural policy up to 2015.
This Draft Law is just another attempt to strengthen the legislative base behind the state support of the agricultural sector in Ukraine.
The situation with VAT refunds for grain exporters (wheat, rye, barley) is characterised by considerable uncertainty at the moment. Since the approval of the state budget for 2004, numerous legislative projects have been launched. Among other things, they aimed at restricting the general rule that grain exporters get a full VAT refund when they export grain.
Proper mechanisms for dispute resolution are important for the functioning of the insurance sector. In Ukraine, insurance litigation tends to be costly, troublesome and unfair. This is an impediment for the development of the sector.
Elements of the institutional framework, i.e., the rules and regulations of the economy and the institutions that enforce them, are the main long-run criteria for private investment decisions.