We comment on the Ukrainian-Russian Gas Transit Consortium signed in October 2002. In general, we support its intention to secure reliability of supply of Russian gas to European markets through Ukraine.
The policy papers are the joint product of the German Advisory Group for Economic Reforms in Ukraine and the IER aimed at providing economic policy recommendations to Ukraine’s policy makers. The recommendations are based on the careful analysis of Ukraine’s situation, state-of-the-art economic theory, and best international practices. The papers are available for policy makers and – with some time lag – for general public.
We comment on the Ukrainian-Russian Gas Transit Consortium signed in October 2002. In general, we support its intention to secure reliability of supply of Russian gas to European markets through Ukraine.
One of the main goals of agricultural policy reform in general and the reorganisation of collective agricultural enterprises in particular is to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic agricultural production. One way to achieve this is to create conditions under which agricultural enterprises can evolve in accordance with market requirements.
The development of a reliable deposit insurance system is of crucial importance for Ukraine, since it can help to achieve important goals of economic policy: the enhancement of public confidence in the financial sector, the prevention of bank runs, attracting household deposits, lowering the deposit interest rate, and, hence, decreasing the cost of crediting and increasing investment.
In Ukraine is a consensus growing about the necessity to join the WTO. Now discussions are focused on the analysis of costs and benefits for specific sectors and some other related problems. But the important issue of national policy-making in the post-accession period was not even mentioned yet.
The current legislation in Ukraine does not contain a clear-cut rule for the NBU profit distribution. This causes uncertainty about the shares distributed to the NBU or the government and gives rise to costly negotiations. As a consequence, it possibly generates conflicts between these state authorities, which tend to weaken monetary stability in Ukraine by increasing long-term inflationary expectations and losing confidence in the hryvnia.
Dieses Papier beschreibt den heutigen Zustand der Milchindustrie in der Ukraine. Es richtet sich an Politiker, Milcherzeuger, Investoren und Agrarökonomen innerhalb und außerhalb der Ukraine. Welche spezifische Schlußfolgerungen können Politiker von unserer Analyse ziehen?
Future economic growth in Ukraine vitally depends on continuing economic reform. The reform of personal income tax (PIT) is an integral part of this process. In this context, the new draft Law on personal income tax that was submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to Verkhovna Rada represents a very important, positive step.
This paper discusses the current situation of Ukraine's ferrous-metal industry and suggests a future strategy for state-support policies.
High interest rates for credits represent one of the major impediments for real investment and sustainable economic growth in Ukraine. A new decree1 intends to ameliorate this situation by allocating cheap, long-term NBU credits to commercial banks, which must redirect these funds to enterprises for investment purposes exclusively.
In the mid- to long-term, commodity derivatives, especially futures, could play a very important role on Ukrainian markets for grain, oilseeds and other agricultural commodities. Of course, much work remains to be done if they are to play this role. It is fundamentally very positive that the Ukrainian Government has made the development of commodity derivative markets a priority.