
Comments and last publications in media

  • Support program for children of IDPs with disabilities in the Vinnytsia city territorial community


    Grantee: Public organization Vinnytsia city organization of social development and formation of certain underprivileged categories of youth "Sprout"

    Implementation Project Area: Vinnytsia

    Project status: active

    Implementation period: 07.07.2023 - 31.08.2023

    Aim of the Project: improving the quality of life of IDP children with disabilities through the implementation of the "Support Program for IDP Children with Disabilities in the Vinnytsia Urban Territorial Community" during July-August 2023 on the basis of the "Humanitarian Hub for IDPs with Disabilities of the Vinnytsia Territorial Community".

    Therefore, during the implementation of the project:

    According to the results of the project, the direct and indirect target groups, to whom the main activity was directed, received a positive impact. 20 IDP children who experienced psychotraumatic events have a reduced risk of developing and corrected symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Their psycho-emotional state was also improved and group interaction skills were formed for socialization in children's groups. An equally important consequence of the project activity is the improvement of the psycho-emotional state and mutual understanding between parents and children in the families of 20 children with disabilities from among IDPs.

    The confirmation of success is, in particular, that during the entire period of the project, all planned quantitative indicators were achieved, namely:

    A cycle of classes "Children and war" was held. Teaching healing techniques" with 24 classes, 12 classes for 2 groups of children of 10 people in a group.

    An art therapy master class "Beading" was held with 14 classes, 7 classes each for 2 groups of children with 10 people in each group.

    20 families of IDP children with disabilities received psychological support during the project (40 individual consultations)

    1 announcement, 2 articles with news about the project, 1 post-release on the resources of 3 online mass media and 12 posts on the Facebook page of VMGO "Parostok" were published.

    1 promotional video was produced regarding the provision of services to families of children with disabilities among IDPs and about positive changes in these families.

    At least 20,000 users of web resources and Facebook learned about the project's activities

    Thanks to the implemented measures, it is possible to assert the achievement of all planned quality indicators:

    The psycho-emotional state of children with disabilities among IDPs has been improved and their group interaction skills have been formed for further socialization in children's groups.

    The potential of the "Humanitarian Hub for IDPs with Disabilities of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community" to provide comprehensive assistance to the families of IDPs with disabilities has been strengthened.

    Improved psycho-emotional state and mutual understanding between parents and children in the families of children with disabilities from among IDPs.

    The awareness of residents of Vinnytsia and other communities about support for children with disabilities among IDPs in Vinnytsia and the corresponding contribution of the European Union has improved.

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