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  • Comprehensive socio-psychology and legal support for women with children (displaced persons) in rural communities of Zaporizhzhia region


    Implementation Project Area: Zaporizhzhia region 

    Project Period: 18.07.2022 15.11.2022 

    Project status: completed 

    Aim of the Project: to provide the most necessary support (psychological, legal, social, humanitarian) for displaced women who have been affected from the russian invasion; to adapt displaced women to new living conditions in rural communities in the Zaporizhzhia region; to maintain the resilience of the community and social structure, and to prevent conflict. 

    Additional Informationtoday, only 12 communities of 67 in the Zaporizhzhia region have not undergone a significant influence of russian aggressive military actions. 55 communities are temporarily occupied or are territories with active combat activities. A lot of people have fled into safer places. Those who had fewer financial opportunities and were evacuated by large families - stopped in rural communities, where sociopsychological and legal support is much less important.Charity Foundation “Impuls.UA” identified displaced women as the main target group because women their children are the ones who need psychological assistance more than anyone else. 

    In addition, as previous work and discussion groups have shown, today displaced women have many questions about payment, restoring documents, registering the status of IDP children, etc. Charity Foundation “Impuls.UA” has already had a successful experience of providing social and psychological assistance to those women with children who are in the town of Zaporizhzhia. This experience can be used successfully to provide similar but wider assistance to those which are in the territorial communities of the Zaporizhzhia region. 

    The effectiveness of the project is a comprehensive approach of support for women with children, which will include socio-psychological and legal assistance for both the women themselves and the children they take care of. At the same time, as part of the initiative, priority will be given to psychological assistance for women with children from vulnerable groups to overcome the consequences of war-related stress. 

    The target audience of the project will be internally displaced women living in four territorial communities in the Zaporizhzhia region: Pavlivsk, Mykhailivsk, Petro-Mykhailivsk and Mykhailo-Lukashivsk. These women may be classified in the following vulnerable groups of the population: 

    • Women with disabilities, 

    • Women who raise children with disabilities, 

    • Mothers with three or more children. 

    • Women with low earnings. 

    In total, the project will cover 180 displaced women in the listed territorial communities of the Zaporizhzhia region. 

    Project results: 

    • 12 psychological, legal and social assistance activities were carried out, involving 176 internally displaced people. 

    • 48 psychological and legal counselling sessions were held. 

    • 25 publications related to the project activities were created and distributed on their own information resources and partner resources. 

    • 4 meetings with the leadership of local communities and representatives of local village councils were organised.

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