
Comments and last publications in media

  • Therapeutic art meetings on psychological help for displaced families with children "Circle of support"


    Grantee: NGO “LAMPA

    Implementation Project Area: Chernihiv Region 

    Project Period: 01.07.2022 30.09.2022 

    Project status: completed

    Aim of the Project: to support and preserve human resources, as well as the recovery of the psycho-emotional state of displaced children and parents in the community of Snovska, who were in a crisis situation because of the war; to create conditions conducting art-therapeutic meetings on psychological aid "Circle of support" on a permanent basis. 

    Additional Information: Snovschyna is the northern defence station in Ukraine. The Snovsk community was occupied for the first day of the Russian invasion and cut off from communication, aid, delivery of medication, food. During the occupation of the territory of the community, bridges exploded, people, their homes and cars were shot, civilians were taken, moral pressure was exerted on the population. 

    After the departure of the enemy troops, the displaced people, mainly from Chernihiv and the villages of the Chernihiv area, began to arrive massively on the territory of the community. Currently, according to the Central Emergency Agency, there are about 1,300 internally displaced people, more than 250 families with children. They are managed by the authorities, volunteers and the Youth Council, which includes the co-founders of the Organization "Lampa". We have facilitated resettlement, food, medication, clothing, food. 

    More in an interview with a co-founder of the organisation Alexander GoncharenkoHumanitarian supportis consistently providing to internally displaced persons. However, families with children, have a great need for psychological support. The community is currently working on resolving this issue.

    Project results: 


    • 6 thematic art therapy events were held for parents and children, including those that are internally displaced. 

    • the total number of persons directly involved in the activities was 90 children. 

    • children from 64 families, including 62 those that are internally displaced participated in the art-therapeutic activities of psychological assistance “KOLOPIDTRyMKy”.

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