
Comments and last publications in media

  • Economic growth points for communities during the wartime period


    Implementation Project Area: CherkasyRegion  

    Project Period: 16.06.2022 —29.08.2022 

    Project status: completed

    Aim of the Project: to support displaced people from the occupied territories of Ukraine, ATO/JFO (Joint Forces Operation Zone) participants and members of their families for integration in the communities of the district of Uman. 

    AdditionalInformation: the project will help displaced people find new jobs or start their own businesses. Prior to this, the project team will conduct in-depth strategic work with local communities and their business and will create resource maps to build long-term capacity and repayment capacity for initiatives of displaced people and community residents. 

    We conducted a survey of migrants from the Luhansk, Donetsk and Kherson regions, which today live in the Uman district. All internally displaced persons want to find employment and receive a salary or other income, not just humanitarian aid. With massive losses of territory, the almost devastated economy of Ukraine, everybody understands that our victory is not only fought at the front, but also at the back. 

    The number of displaced persons within Ukraine is now over 9 million, more than 5 million of them live in Ukraine and are our target audience (around 13% of the population of Ukraine).

    Project results: 

    • Conducting 4 visiting sessions in 4 communities were conducted: strategic sessions, vision creation and resource maps of communities - visited by 173 people. Two-day training on business planning - visited by 102 people, training on project design (creating social action projects and building dialogue of community) - visited by 69 people.  
    • One-to-one meetings with businesses, NGOs, activists and NGOs were organized to identify hidden resources of the community - a total of 76 meetings, and an analytical note was prepared for each interview.  
    • Mentoring sessions with participants of the training program on finding investments and refining applications for grant and loan financing, providing legal advice were conducted (40 consultations on project design 2 consultations with a lawyer).  
    • An analytical-recommendation document "Roadmap for relocation and business development" for Uman, Ladyzhyn, Dmytrushki and Palan territorial community was created.  
    • “Uman region - points of economic growth” Forum was held. 83 people offline and 20 people online attended. 
    • 8 presentations of business ideas and social action projects, 7 speeches by representatives of donor and expert organizations were held.


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