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  • Advocacy of the Entrepreneurship in the city: from an education to a system


    Implementation Project Area: Vinnytsia region  

    Project Period: 16.08.2021 — 30.06.2022  

    Project status: completed  

    Aim of the Project: creation of conditions for a new impulse for the development of local entrepreneurship by conducting joint activities of representatives of SMEs and local authorities to define the basic principles and shape the Entrepreneurship Development Programme for the period up to 2025.   

    Additional Information: current economic situation of the city has worsened. In addition to global reasons, such as restrictions on business activities caused by the pandemic, there are trends to the reduction of the activities of the main urbanizing enterprises - the DTEK Ladygyn Plant and the units of the holding “MironivskyHliboproduct”. Generally, it is a partial release of workers of active industrial giants, as well as stagnation of a significant part of small in the city.   

    With regard to the termination of the “Development Programme of SMEs in the city of Ladygyn for 2017-2021”, there is a need to create a new development program of entrepreneurship in the city as a system document on the interaction of business and government.  

    Tasks of the Project are:  

    • creation of conditions for a new impulse for local entrepreneurship development by determining the directions of systemic activity on the basis of close cooperation with the authorities;  

    • identification of existing problems in the city for the small business development;  

    • working on solving current problem issues;  

    • establishing a productive interaction between government and business by developing key parameters jointly and creating a SME Development Agenda for the period up to 2025.  

    As a result of the start of large-scale war of the russian federation against Ukraine, the aim and objectives of the project have been modified. 

    Modified aim of the Project: to promote the adaptation of the children of displaced persons to a new place of temporary residence by encouraging them to participate in activities aimed at the development of children's creativity. 

    Additional Information:conducting 5 master classes activities on the development of children's creativity, namely artistic, photo handicrafts, popular handicrafts (drawing, natural clay and polymer products, etc.), table games (bags, chess). In the process of classes are provided “sweet tables” for children. Notification The notification will be carried out by publishing on Internet resources, as well as individually in telephone mode according to the registration lists. 

    Project results: 

    • Educational workshop “FOP registration, taxation systems, accounting and reporting” was held. 

    • Discussions in focus group were organized, where 15 entrepreneurs were able to talk about the needs and their own vision for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city. 

    • A two-day strategic session was held, as a result of which several directions of the future program were defined: collective interaction of the city's entrepreneurs, development of the city's transport infrastructure, participation in the interregional business environment. 

    • Working group was createdwith equal numbers of local government representatives (head of the economic department and head of the city employment centre) and two FOPs. A working group meeting was held, during which all the theses of the future program were approved. 

    • 7 creative activities for children were organised in the second part of the project. 

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