
Comments and last publications in media

  • Democracy in action. Communication between the authority and civil society and advocating measures for its improvement in Vinnytsya region


    Implementation Project Area: Vinnytsya region 

    Project Period: 01.03.2021 – 30.09.2021 

    Project status: completed  

    Aim of the Project: to conduct a research on the current state of communication between the public and the local authority during the COVID-19 pandemic and to develop a joint policy on effective instrumentsof increasing public influence on governmental decision-making processes. 

    Additional Information: due to the COVID-19 pandemic, general restrictions in all spheres of life have disrupted traditional means of community to influence on actions and decision-making process of the government. 

    Another negative consequence of the pandemic was limmitations on the control actions and decisions of the authorities. In addition to  social constraints, the decentralization reform, one of the most successful reforms, has become an additional reducing factor for public influence on governmental decisions. Also, the previous local elections in late 2020 demonstrated the growing influence of regional elites. 

    The proposed measures by the project contributed to the analysis of the current state of public involvement in government decision-making process. Based on the research, recommendations for  strengthening  citizens’ participation in democratic processes were formed and validated. 


    Quantitive results  

    Qualitative results

    The input data of 30 requests to local authorities  was prepared, processed and analyzed.

    The  memorandum on joint actions to strengthen the influence of the Vinnytsia CSOs  on  the government decision-making process was signed.

    More than 40 consultations with the representatives of executive authorities, local self-government bodies, civil society institutions, etc.  were held.

    A set  of proposals to strengthen public influence on government decision-making process was developed.

    7 public local discussions were held.

    A regional forum-conference was held.

    2 online campaigns including the  involvement of media and representatives of partner organizations were conducted.


    11 publications / flash stories were prepared and  published in regional media, partner networks,  their own communication resources with 1000 subscribers / group members  coverage. 


    An advocacy campaign was conducted and 140 leaflets were distributed as a result  of it.

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