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  • 05.12.2012

    Banks name next year’s promising sectors

    Banks consider agriculture, mining industry and food industry most promising sectors of the real economy in 2013. Such expectations were stated in the third quarterly survey of banks in 2012, which was conducted by the Centre for Contemporary Society Studies of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. In this survey, banks named the sectors of real economy they believe to be likely to increase output volume next year.

  • 01.07.2012

    What are the benefits of open government procurement market?

    Global government procurement market is very big as most countries spend between 10% and 30% for government purchases of goods and services. Ukrainian businesses will benefit from more open government procurement market and from Ukrainian accession to Government Procurement agreement within WTO framework.

    Authors:  Kravchuk Vitaliy
  • 15.06.2012

    The introduction of risk based system for tax control and audits : has tax administration been improving?

    The introduction of risk based system for tax control is an effective tool for tax administration improvement, and at the same time, a commitment to the EU made by Ukraine. In particular, one of the of the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda priorities envisages moving towards a more focused, risk based system for tax control and audits to improve the capacity of the tax administration.

  • 11.06.2012

    The European model of energy market will promote free competition and attract investments

    Reform of the electricity market of Ukraine is a very important step towards integration into the European energy coomunity. Accession to the Energy Community in February 2011 opened new opportunities for Ukraine to fully participate in a single energy space with the EU. For Ukraine, this means harmonization of national legislation with European norms. In the electricity sector Ukrainian legislation should comply with the Directive 2009/72/EC on common rules for the internal market in electricity.

    Authors:  Kosse Iryna
  • 20.04.2012

    State Aid Regulation in Ukraine: what approach to take?

    On April 18 the Amendments to the State Budget Law for 2012 became effective. In particular, they have increased fiscal expenditures on state aid to traditional sectors (coal mining and agriculture). So far the procedure for allocating these funds has not been adopted, which again raises importance of adoption of framework law on State aid. However, state authorities lack joint view on the sate aid regulation. In particular, there are different views on the state body responsible for provision, control and analysis of the provided state aid.

  • 13.04.2012

    Will the amendments to the Customs Code facilitate the international trade?

    Ukraine's accession to WTO, as well as joining the International Convention on Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures and the Convention on the Temporary Import have become significant steps towards the development of transparent trade environment in the country, which is one of the priorities of the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda. However, initiated customs reform aimed at lowering trade barriers has been hampered due to the unstable political situation, lack of political will and high level of corruption. As a result, Ukraine hasn’t been using its trade potential at full. Its investment attractiveness has been reducing.

  • 09.03.2012

    Abolition of cross-subsidization - a necessary condition of reforming the electricity market

    Reform of the electricity market and abolition of tariffs cross-subsidization are parts of Ukraine's obligations before the EU. In particular, the Association Agenda contains a demand for Ukraine to continue the reform of electricity tariffs and measures guaranteeing full payment for the electricity supply.

    Authors:  Kosse Iryna
  • 24.02.2012

    Implementation of the Transportation strategy: are we waiting for EU assistance?

    Ukraine always had a problem of implementation of good ideas, plans and strategies. Despite all the money, efforts and time spent, feasibility studies, funding and support from ministries and departments strategy and development programs remain only on paper. No implementation happens. Or happens but not completely and not in time. Recall the Transportation strategy of Ukraine for 2020, approved on October 20, 2010, which defines the main directions of the transportation sector development.

    Authors:  Kosse Iryna
  • 02.02.2012

    Independence of NERC - a necessary condition of monopoly regulation

    Discussions on reforming the energy sector continue in Ukraine over the past five years. According to international experience, the reform should include the introduction of modern mechanisms of natural monopolies regulation and establishment of an independent regulatory body. Only an independent regulatory body is capable of balancing the interests of all energy market participants and can ensure their transparent relationships.

    Authors:  Kosse Iryna
  • 20.01.2012

    Institutional changes in technical regulation system

    On July 5, 2011 the Law of Ukraine "On State Market Supervision and control of non-food products" entered into force. The law sets up a system of market surveillance, under which state intervention at the stage of the manufacturing process of products is significantly reduced and the manufacturer bears higher responsibility of ensuring compliance with established production standards and technical regulations. Important in the new system of technical regulation is the functional distribution of standardization, monitoring of compliance and market surveillance between different executive bodies.

    Authors:  Êóöåíêî Êàòåðèíà
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