

  • 15.10.2015

    Autonomous Trade Preferences: Impact on Ukrainian Exports

    This study is purported to investigate how the introduced ATPs affect the Ukrainian exporters. To start, it should be noted that the ATPs have been introduced when Ukraine is in difficult times. A part of the country's territory has been occupied while other regions of the state have suffered from hostilities. The national economy is in deep crisis and requires major reforms to resume growth. While the unilateral opening of the EU market certainly boosts the economic development of the state, not all manufacturers, let alone exporters, have had the opportunity to take advantage of these preferences. The understanding of who has used the ATPs and in which manner is of key importance because implications for further economic policy are essential to ensure the effective use of the opportunities offered by the DCFTA a partially case of which the ATPs actually are.


    Section 2 describes the autonomous trade preferences.

    Section 3 deals with the dynamics of trade in commodities with the EU.

    Section 4 provides for the findings of a survey of exporters trading with the EU representing their opinion on the ATPs application. The aforesaid ATPs related survey makes part of a wider survey that was conducted in the spring 2015 under the 'Trade Policy and Practice in Ukraine' project supported by the Swedish Government.

    Section 5 is concerned with the use of tariff quotas being an important part of the agricultural trade with the EU.

    Section 6 deals with the ATPs impact on exporters conduct.

    The conclusions are set forth in Section 6.

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