

  • 09.03.2012

    Sustainable Biomass Production and Certification for the EU Biofuels Market

    This handbook aims to 

      - provide clarity on which certification schemes can be used by farmers and traders in Ukraine and the differences between them; 

     - provide farmers and traders with guidelines on the requirements under the RED and the approved certification schemes; 

     - provide an overview of the procedures that Ukrainian companies (farmers and traders) need to follow in order to prove, by using one of the applicable certification schemes, that their feedstock meets the EU RED standards;

    This handbook is based on a comparative analysis of the four certification schemes that are relevant in the Ukrainian context and that have been or are in the process of being recognised by the EU Commission (ISCC, RSB, NTA 8080, BioGrace).


    1. Introduction 1
    2. The sustainability criteria of the EU Renewable Energy Directive and the use of certification schemes 2
    3. Sustainability criteria for producers 5
      3.1. Criteria for establishing the cultivation area 5
        3.1.1. Complying with land-use criteria 5
        3.1.2. Documenting that the cultivation area complies with land-use criteria 7
      3.2. Impact assessment 8
      3.3. Environmental criteria 9
        3.3.1. Complying with environmental criteria 9
        3.3.2. Documenting compliance with environmental criteria 14
      3.4. Social criteria 15
        3.4.1. Complying with social criteria 15
        3.4.2. Documenting compliance with social criteria 19
      3.5. Criteria for GHG calculations 20
        3.5.1. Calculating GHG emissions from cultivation 22
        3.5.2. Calculating emissions from land-use change 26
        3.5.3. Documenting compliance with GHG calculation requirements 29
        3.5.4. What information must be passed on to the trader? 29
    4. Sustainability criteria for traders 30
      4.1. Criteria for operating a chain-of-custody system 30
        4.1.1. Complying with chain-of-custody criteria 31
        4.1.2. What information must be passed on to the next operator? 33
        4.1.3. Documenting compliance with mass balance criteria 33
      4.2. Criteria for GHG emissions 34
        4.2.1. Calculating emissions from transport 34
        4.2.2. Calculating emissions from feedstock storage 36
        4.2.3. Documenting compliance with GHG calculation requirements 37
        4.2.4. What information must be passed on to the next step (e.g. conversion plant)? 37
    Annex 1: The process of gaining certification 38
    Annex 2: Certification schemes and their accredited certification bodies 41
    Annex 3: Background materials 46
    Authors:  Kandul Serhiy, Ãàåáëåð Ìàðò³íà, Ñèñåíêî Íàòàë³ÿ
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