

  • 19.01.2021

    Ukraine’s progress in implementation of 20 Eastern Partnership deliverables for 2020

    Ukraine’s progress in implementation of 20 Eastern Partnership deliverables for 2020. Monitoring report by the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. September 2019 - September 2020.
  • 04.02.2020

    Success Stories of Reforms

    ISBN: 978-966-137-123-0
    The book represents success stories collected by the grantees of the Program “Regions for Reforms” implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting and European Pravda and financed by the European Union.
  • 19.11.2018

    Deepening EU-Ukrainian Relations: What, why and how? (Second edition)

    This Handbook, now in its second edition, represents the most comprehensive and independent assessment of the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between the EU and Ukraine. It is one of a Trilogy of Handbooks, alongside comparable publications on Georgia and Moldova.
  • 30.08.2016

    Ukraine and Europe – A short guide

    The new relationship between Ukraine and the European Union is the focus of this accessible, non-technical short guide. It is a summary of a longer Handbook entitled "Deepening Ukraine-EU Relations – What, why and how?"
  • 30.08.2016

    Deepening EU-Ukrainian Relations: What, why and how?

    The signing of the Association Agreement and DCFTA between Ukraine and the European Union in 2014 was an act of strategic, geopolitical significance in the history of Ukraine. Emblematic of a struggle to replace the Yanukovich regime at home and to resist attempts by Russia to deny Ukraine its ‘European choice’, the Association Agreement is a defiant statement of the country’s choice to become a democratic, independent state.
  • 15.10.2015

    Autonomous Trade Preferences: Impact on Ukrainian Exports

  • 15.08.2014

    European Integration: Experience of V4 Countries and Ukrainian Reality

    The Institute for Economic Research and Policy consulting is happy to present the brochure "European Integration: Experience of V4 Countries and Ukrainian Reality". The brochure was prepared as part of the project "V4-Ukraine think tanks networking for public discussion on EU integration and advocacy of reforms" in cooperation with think tanks from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.

  • 06.05.2014

    Ukraine's WTO Membership: Institutional and Economic Effects

    ISBN: 978-617-7161-10-2

    The present study aims at analyzing the impact of Ukraine’s accession to the World Trade Organization on the national economy, primarily on manufacturing. Such an analysis is important for development of the country’s short- and long-term trade policy strategies.

  • 09.03.2012

    Sustainable Biomass Production and Certification for the EU Biofuels Market

    This handbook aims to
    • provide clarity on which certification schemes can be used by farmers and traders in Ukraine and the differences between them;
    • provide farmers and traders with guidelines on the requirements under the RED and the approved certification schemes;
    • provide an overview of the procedures that Ukrainian companies (farmers and traders) need to follow in order to prove, by using one of the applicable certification schemes, that their feedstock meets the EU RED standards;

    Authors:  Kandul Serhiy, Ãàåáëåð Ìàðò³íà, Ñèñåíêî Íàòàë³ÿ
  • 03.03.2012

    Ukraine's Payments Market: International Framework and National Regulation"

    ISBN: 978-966-187-141-9

    Modern payment systems are undoubtedly an important part of economic and financial infrastructure of any country. Efficient and safe payment systems are crucial for functioning of the economy and financial stability. In Ukraine over the last decade payment card infra-structure expanded very quickly and overtook a number of similar countries. Ukrainian cardholders increasingly move from ATMs to POSs in line with the experiences of the more developed markets. In this context functioning of payment industry in Ukraine, its regulation and the probable effects of recent legislative and regulatory initiatives deserve special attention.

    Authors:  Kravchuk Vitaliy, Ïðåì'ºðîâà Îëåíà
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