10-23 of May, 2010 the researcher of German-Ukrainian Policy Dialogue in Agriculture Anna Kuznetsova was learning German experience of using straw. During this trip through Germany she attended several plants and small facilities that provide district heating using straw. Besides she learnt:
- how to compress straw to make building material, furniture, pipes, etc.;
- how to build with straw bales;
- how to make pellets from straw.
The support in learning district heating facilities was given by Hans-Jurgen Helbig GmbH (Norten-Hardenberg, Germany) and Thuringer Landesanstalt fur Landwirtschaft (Jena, Germany). The support in learning straw compression was given by Strohlos Produktentwicklung KG (Waren (Muritz), Germany). Learning of building with straw bales was assisted by Baubiologie-Altmark (Sanne, Germany), of making pellets from straw – by Lange&Meyer (Hilgermissen, Germany) and by Amandus Kahl (Reinbek, Germany). The results will be published in the policy paper.