During the Global Agrarian Forum in Berlin in January, 2010 the project leader of the German-Ukrainian Dialogue in Agriculture, Dr. Heinz W. Strubenhoff was awarded by the Ukrainian minister of Agriculture, Dr. Yuri F. Melnik, on the occasion of an event of the East Committee of the German economy and Ukrainian Agribusiness Club with the Badge of Honour of the Ministry of Agriculture.
This honoring underlines the good cooperation of Ukraine and Germany in agriculture. The project is a part of the cooperation program of the German Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV). Mr. Minister Melnik appreciated the personal contribution of Dr. Strubenhoff in the frame of the Project that functions in order to extend the cooperation in fields of Bioenergy, trade in agriculture, land markets, benchmarking as well as consumer protection.
Dr. Strubenhoff is working since 2006 in Kyiv at the Institute for economic research and policy consulting. The Project is co-financed by the Ukrainian government, BMELV and the Centre for international migration CIM.