

  • The role of civil society organizations in the implementation of the DCFTA in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine


    To assess the role of civil society organizations in informing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) regarding export promotion within the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

    The research methodology was based on the analysis of public sources of information on the level of public trust in CSOs, statistics on economic activity of SMEs, other studies. Ut was also created the research database of CSOs that actively implemented projects to promote SME exports to the EU in 2014-2021 years. Accordingly, 35 CSOs and 66 projects implemented by them were found and analyzed. In addition, 9 interviews were conducted, including 6 with CSO representatives, 2 with business representatives and 1 with government officials. There were also 2 focus groups: one with CSO representatives (9 participants), one with business representatives and business associations (8 participants).


    1. Analyze the role of SMEs in the economy of Ukraine in the categories of employment in SMEs, the share of value added of SMEs in the economy of Ukraine, and the share of SME in exports from Ukraine

    2. Investigate the role of CSOs in promoting exports to the EU on the main activities of CSOs, temporal and sectoral dimensions of activities

    3. Identify CSO best practices in promoting Ukrainian exports to the European Union

    4. Highlight the main activities of CSOs and the main limitations in their activities

    5. Develop recommendations for CSOs, for the Ukrainian Government and for relevant EU stakeholders.

    • Report on the results of the study
    • Materials of the event on October 29, 2021 (report)

    May 2021 – November 2021


    Georgian Institute of Politics (Georgia) and Institute for European Policies and Reforms (Moldova).


    The project is financed by the European Union.

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