

  • Regions for Reforms


    To strengthen public advocacy and pressure for pro-European reforms in Ukraine through enhanced and regionally inclusive involvement of wide range of civil society actors in the discussion of EU-related topics, monitoring and advocacy of the Association Agreement implementation





    • To increase involvement of wider range of civil society (CS) actors in the EU-related issues discussion focusing on monitoring and advocacy of Association Agreement (AA) implementation
    • To enhance capacity of CS actors in monitoring, impact assessment and advocacy of AA-related reforms
    • To substantially strengthen regional media actors in advocacy for sector reforms implementation in line with the AA
    • To substantially strengthen the role and visibility of civil society in reform promotion and assessment at national and regional levels through powerful media platform

    Regional AA monitorings done by CSOs:

    1. Analytical report: conclusions on the results of the monitoring of the local authorities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions on European integration activities (Donetsk Youth Debate Center, July 2017) (download). 
    2. Analytical report on the results of the monitoring of websites of the local authorities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions on the information about the AA implementation and European integration (Donetsk Youth Debate Center, December 2017) (download)
    3. Analysis of the state of implementation of Ukrainian legislation on energy efficiency, energy saving and renewable sources of energy (Bureau of Development, Innovations and Technologies, November 2017) (download). Analysis of the implementation of the provisions on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources of the Association Agreement with the EU at the national and local level of the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Bureau of Development, Innovations and Technologies, November 2017).
    4. Sustainable Energy Development Action Plan of Tysmenitsya to 2030 (Bureau of Development, Innovations and Technologies, February 2018) (download).
    5. "Pro-European Awareness of Rural Communities - A Way to Reform the Country" (All-Ukrainian Democratic Action, March 2018) (download).
    6. Regional context of the implementation of the environmental component of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU (Resource and analytical center “Society and Environment”, June 2018) (download).
    7. Food safety in the agricultural sector (Odesa Regional Reconstruction and Development Agency) (cover).
    8. European standards for personal data protection and e-governance. Monitoring the compliance status when introducing electronic services at the regional level (Lviv Center For International Law and Human Rights, April 2018) (download).
    9. Index of European Integration Economic Advancement in Ukraine 2014-2016: Three Years on the Way to a Single European Economic Space (Polissya Foundation for International and Regional Studies, June 2018) (download).



    Success Stories of Reforms (ukr / eng)

    The book contains success stories collected by the grantees of the Program “Regions for Reforms”.


    The project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the International Renaissance Foundation

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