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Archive 2008
To perform a quantitative assessment of Ukraine's WTO accession using applied general equilibrium model.
To facilitate discussion among experts and government officials concerning Ukraine’s anti-crisis policy and determine adequate mechanisms and instruments under Ukrainian conditions to minimise negative consequences of the crisis by monitoring global economic trends and analysis of economic policies undertaken by different countries.
To promote the improvement of Ukraine’s legal framework in the sphere of regional development.
To study regional development indices and indicators used by developed countries and their associations.
To facilitate discussion on important aspects of the Naftogaz of Ukraine between Naftogaz of Ukraine, government officials and expert environment.
To promote business awareness on the import duty rates in the WTO member states.
To identify key challenges of labour migration and to propose measures in the migration and economic policies for adequate response to the above challenges.
To promote the deepening of dialogue between business and government and the formation of Ukraine's position on the specific conditions of the FTA with the EU through the preparation of information and analytical materials.
To promote business awareness on the WTO rules and norms, the relevant commitments of Ukraine.
To organize a public discussion on the status of negotiations between Ukraine and the EU adopting a new basic agreement (association agreement), particularly in the field of economic cooperation.
- © 2020
- The Institute
for Economic Research
and Policy Consulting - address:
- Reytarska 8/5-À,
01054 Kyiv, Ukraine - tel.:
- + 38 044 278-63-42
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e-mail: - + 38 044 278-63-36
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