
Archive 2013

  • Impact of the EU-Ukraine DCFTA on different categories of households: a CGE micro-modeling


    The aim of the project is to estimate the impact of the establishment of the DCFTA with the EU in the framework of the Association Agreement on Ukraine’s economy and to facilitate public discussion regarding economic consequences of the Association Agreement. The assessment will be made both on macro level and on the level of various categories of households using a CGE micro-simulation.

  • Investment Attractiveness of the Regions – 2014


    - Identify investment potential, investment risk and investment climate as well as investment activity of the regions of Ukraine and following survey results, to design the index, and on its basis to establish the ranking of investment attractiveness of the regions (oblasts) of Ukraine.
    - Among other issues, to study the mechanism of "one stop shop" at the local level, the effectiveness of foreign direct investment in a region and the system of cooperation with existing and prospective foreign investors.

  • Forecasting migration between the EU, V4 and Eastern Europe: impact of visa abolition


    The project is aimed at examination of migration patterns in Eastern European states bordering the EU ( Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus) in the perspective of expected emigration to the EU (with particular emphasis on emigration to V4) after possible visa abolition. It focuses on qualitative and quantitative estimation of migration stocks of Eastern European states to the EU and V4 in the forthcoming 10 years. Research of that kind has never been conducted with regard to Eastern Partnership states.

  • Migration between Ukraine and the EU: impact assessment of visa abolition


    The project is aimed at examination of migration patterns from Ukraine to the EU and assess emigration flows after possible visa abolition to elaborate policy recommendations on migration policy for Ukraine as well as enrich the discussion on the issues in public.

  • Investments as a Path to the Effective Economic Development of the Territories: Best practices, Barriers, Obstacles and the Ways to Overcome Obstacles (based on the example of Dnipropetrovsk and Lviv Oblasts)


    To carry out an analysis of investment activity in the designated Oblasts and to offer to regional and local government authorities specific instruments and mechanisms for the intensification of investment activity and attraction of investments into economic development of the territorial communities based on the obtained results and international best practices.

  • “Cost of border” in Black Sea region


    - Promote free movement of economic resources in selected Black Sea countries (Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Ukraine) by enhancing public discourse on benefits of economic cooperation in the three partner countries (free trade of goods and services, and mobility of people).
    - Strengthen the regional cooperation among the civil society representatives of the region and develop success story for trans-border civil society work.
    - Raise public awareness on free trade and labor resources movement issues.

  • Informational and educational campaign about analysis of the healthcare reform in Ukraine


    - increase awareness of Ukrainian on the health care reform in Ukraine through introduction of informational and educational campaign on the reform implementation
    - involve civil society into monitoring of health care reform

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