Since September 2005 the Institute has been receiving technical assistance from the Swiss Economic Institute (KOF), which operates under the auspices of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), ZurichSwiss Economic Institute KOF. In the framework of the programme of scientific cooperation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland SCOPE 2005 – 2008 and SCOPE 2009 – 2012, which is financed by the Swiss National Scientific Foundation (SNSF), Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency implements a project of institutional partnership between Swiss and Ukrainian institutes. The project’s objective is developing surveys of business tendencies, increasing the number of internationally recognized indexes calculated by surveys’ results, developing methodological instruments for conducting conjuncture surveys in Ukraine. More about KOF here: www.kof.ethz.ch About the project on the KOF website: http://www.kof.ethz.ch/de/forschung/projektdatenbank/fbk/fp/09-89/ |