
Partner Organizations

  • International Renaissance Foundation (IRF)

    International Renaissance Foundation (IRF)

    The International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) was founded in April 1990. IRF is an integral part of the International Soros network which incorporates national and regional foundations in more than thirty countries around the world, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the former Soviet Union. These foundations share a common goal of supporting educational, social and legal initiatives that promote the development and establishment of an open society.

    IRF is the Ukraine's one of the largest charity organization. Its main objective is to provide financial and operational assistance to the development of an open and democratic society in Ukraine by supporting key civic initiatives in this area.

    The International Renaissance Foundation finances projects and programs which foster the development of civil society, promote rule of law and independent mass media. Funds are also allocated for diversification of information resources for the third sector, democratization of education and public health, advancing of social capital and academic publications, as well as ensuring protection of national minorities rights and their integration into Ukrainian society.

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