German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms in Ukraine
German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms in Ukraine has been conducting its activities in Ukraine since November 1994 commissioned by the German Federal Government. Since establishment the Group’s experts have provided advisory services for the Ukrainian Government, the Verkhovna Rada, the President’s Secretariat and the National Bank of Ukraine on conducting economic reforms. Along with providing advisory services to the Cabinet of Ministers, the Group has formulated recommendations on macroeconomic and structural policies for the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the National Commission on Electric Energy Regulation, sectoral committees of the Verkhovna Rada. The Group has worked in a close cooperation with the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.
German-Ukrainian Policy Dialogue in Agriculture
Since January 2006 this project has been providing assistance to Ukrainian politicians and lawmakers on reforming agrarian policy and legislation with the account of German and other countries’ practices as well as those of international organizations (EU, WTO) on the basis of market economy principles. Main topics are: trade in agricultural and food products; bioenergy; land markets; consumers’ rights protection; agricultural and food products value chains. Beneficiaries: Ministry of Agricultural Policy, other sectoral ministries, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, President’s Secretariat, Verkhovna Rada, associations of agricultural producers, mass media and journalists’ associations. The project is implemented with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.
Swiss Economic Institute KOF (Project "Business Idea")
Since September 2005 the Institute has been receiving technical assistance from the Swiss Economic Institute (KOF), which operates under the auspices of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich. In the framework of the programme of scientific cooperation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland SCOPE 2005 - 2008 and SCOPE 2009 - 2012, which is financed by the Swiss National Scientific Foundation (SNSF), Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency implements a project of institutional partnership between Swiss and Ukrainian institutes. The project’s objective is developing surveys of business tendencies, increasing the number of internationally recognized indexes calculated by surveys’ results, developing methodological instruments for conducting conjuncture surveys in Ukraine.