
Land Reform Barometer

  • 13.05.2013

    Draft Law “On Turnover of Agricultural Land”: A Threat of Monopolizing the Market by the State Land Bank

    Recently the State Land Agency of Ukraine made public the draft law "On Turnover of Agricultural Land." Essentially this law will finalize shaping the legislative framework for introducing agricultural land purchase and sales market in Ukraine.

    Issue:  No.20 May 2013
    Authors:  Nivievskyi Oleg
  • 01.03.2013

    Lending to agricultural producers

    Agricultural producers attract loans for different purposes, including for funding working capital, making long-term investments, paying off debts and even paying wages. Opinion poll in the framework of the “Land Reform Barometer” project showed that banks serve as a source for loans mainly for agricultural enterprises, while farmers rely mostly on friends and family.

    Issue:  No.17 March 2013
    Authors:  Fedets Iryna
  • 20.02.2013

    How to avoid corruption in registering land ownership rights

    The survey conducted in the framework of Barometer of Land Reform: Information and Advocacy Campaign Project show that 40% of landowners experienced and heard about unofficial payments and other corruption activities in the process of regestering the land ownership rights.

    Issue:  No.16 February 2013
    Authors:  Ïåòðî Çàë³çíÿê
  • 12.02.2013

    Land lease payments: amounts and forms

    In the framework of the “Land Reform Barometer” survey, the farmers and managers of agricultural enterprises were asked about the conditions of leasing the land to them.

    Issue:  No.15 February 2013
    Authors:  Fedets Iryna
  • 07.02.2013

    How to change type of land use within categories of land?

    A significant number of readers who receive informational materials from the Barometer of Land Reform: Informational and Advocacy Campaign Project are interested in issues on how to change land use types among categories of land.

    Issue:  No.14 February 2013
    Authors:  Ïåòðî Çàë³çíÿê
  • 29.01.2013

    Informing landowners about their rights

    Opinion poll held in the framework of the “Land Reform Barometer” project showed that most landowners are informed about their rights. However, their land lessees have been the chief source of such information with local authorities, too, though to a lesser extent.

    Issue:  No.13 January 2013
    Authors:  Fedets Iryna
  • 22.01.2013

    New rules on land titles certificate

    Sociologic research conducted within the framework of “Land Reform Barometer: information and advocacy campaign” show that a significant part of land owners do not have a document, which certifies a title to a land plot.

    Issue:  No.12 January 2013
    Authors:  Ïåòðî Çàë³çíÿê
  • 14.11.2012

    How difficult is it to obtain the State Act for Land Ownership?

    Landowners are required to go through several procedures at the state agencies and local authorities in order to obtain the state act for ownership on a land plot. Complexity of experiencing such procedures was studied in the opinion poll in the framework of the “Land Reform Barometer” project.

    Issue:  No.11 November 2012
    Authors:  Fedets Iryna
  • 01.11.2012

    The documents to be held by landowners and landusers?

    The results of the opinion poll in the framework of the Land Reform Barometer project demonstrate that the most crucial issues for landowners were the issues of certifying the titles for their land plots. In this article we are listing and providing a concise description of the documents that certify the titles for a land plot.

    Issue:  No.10 November 2012
    Authors:  Ïåòðî Çàë³çíÿê
  • 29.10.2012

    Barriers to Agricultural Development

    Agricultural producers consider unstable state agricultural policy, lack of government support and problems with marketing of products as the most common and relevant problems for the development of agribusiness in Ukraine.

    Issue:  No.9 October 2012
    Authors:  Fedets Iryna
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